Migraines In Louisville, KY


If you are beginning to notice the signs of brain fog, forgetfulness, declining cognitive function, mixing up your words, asking the same questions repeatedly or taking longer to perform normal tasks, these are all signs and symptoms of memory loss. These are early warning signs of abnormal brainwave function that are often associated with the inability to process information optimally. If left untreated, this can lead to dementia.

Neuroplasticity is your brain's ability to create new neural pathways. This puts you in the driver's seat of reclaiming and optimizing your health. Your brain is not hard-wired, it is not limited or fixed in it's abilities to heal. When the imbalance is removed and brainwaves are regulated, cognitive function improves. The result is an improved ability to remember.

At Braincore Louisville, our natural, drug free treatment for Memory Loss is meant to correct what’s causing the issue, not just treat the symptoms. Contact us today for a free consultation.



Migraines can be triggered due to many factors; ranging from hormonal imbalance, light sensitivity, allergies and dehydration to neuro-metabolic issues. This leaves your brain in a high state of stress and imbalance. The results are a variety of symptoms that take their toll on your life including inability to focus, mood swings and throbbing pain.

Neurofeedback is a scientifically proven system that retrains the brain to create new patterns and responses to incoming triggers and stressors. This new response improves brainwave activity and function. The result is a calmer, happier, healthier brain that has fewer symptoms and flare ups. Studies have shown more than a 54% rate of total cessation of pain and symptoms and 99% reported a decrease in pain and symptoms. When balance and function is restored, your outcomes are optimized and health improved.

At Braincore Louisville, our natural, drug free treatment for Migraine Headaches is meant to correct what’s causing the issue, not just treat the symptoms. Contact us today for a free consultation.

BrainCore Has worked wonders for my headaches, mood and overall well being!

- J.M. Louisville, KY

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